v0.5 GUI: You can now pass sqlite files to the gui from the command line. Works with Explorer -> 'Open With'. Varous bugfixs and refactoring. v0.4 Rewrite of datetime decoding. Code is less brittle with better error handling. Fixed some datetime decoding logic. Dates that were showing 2011 now decode properly. (value - 11644473600000000) / increment. Added some additional date indicators for decoding. GUI: Columns can now be reordered by the user. GUI: box to show log for warm and fuzzies. GUI: titlebar set to open file name. v0.3 Fixed relative path issue for dateindicators.txt when app added to environment path. Fixed mac/ios dates using proper mac epoch (2001 vs 1970) so they don't show 1982 anymore and give proper timestamp. Added drag and drop support for opening databases. Just drag file into the form. Added database file mac times and attributes to form. Minor cosmetic changes to the gui. v0.2 added decoding for dates in double from obscure ios sqlitedb's. GUI only: fixed issue where error popup persists until app restarted. v.0.1 initial release.